Yale School of Medicine

 Name: Yale’s University 


Location: New Haven, EUA 


Why Yale’s University: Yale’s University is one of the best higher education institutions in the world and is in the top 10 in the Times Higher Education 2020 ranking. It is one of the oldest colleges in the United States and the University ens up being one of the most sought after. 


Medicine course: The Yale School of Medicine is one of the most popular in the world. The course is responsible for studying the theoretical foundations of the area, such as Anatomy, Biochemistry and Immunology. The study of diseases and how they manifest themselves in the body are also part of the course. 

Medicine curiosity:

-it was once the most profitable profession in Brazil but nowadays it is not anymore 

-it is one of the many areas of knowledge linked to the maintenance and restoration of health

-works in a broad sense with the prevention and cure of human diseases

Work overviews: 

-the labor market in medicine is quite dynamic. The professional can work in hospitals, clinics, public health services, research centers, be an occupational physician in some company, clubs and etc 

Foreigners process and scholarships: 

-to be accepted at Yale’s University, candidates must register directly at the school, college, or program of their choice

-for Brazilians, Yale University offers scholarships, however, requirements need to be followed: 

    -Be a Brazilian citizen and live in the country today;

    -Have attended a Brazilian school for most of their academic life;

    -Have one or two years to attend high school;

    -Have excellent school performance and leadership potential

    -Apply online for the program, including the financial aid part.

Possibility of working or not at the studying process: 

In the last two final years of the medical school, students are submitted to internships and at this time, students are divided into small groups so that together, and assisted by experienced professionals, they come into contact with the main medical activities. Internship periods happen through casters, so that inmates can deal with all major areas of medicine. 

Monthly fee: 

The 2020-2021 tuition & fees at Yale School of Medicine is $64,024. 

Board (Meal Plan)


Estimated books and personal expenses


Student Activities Fee


Valid diploma in Brazil after training: 

Considering working in Brazil, foreigners may need to validate their diplomas obtained abroad.

There are basically three topics a foreigner should pay attention when considering working in Brazil

    -Work visa 

    -Validation of diploma obtained abroad

    -Registration at a Brazilian certification council, specific for each profession

Bárbara Fernandes and Henrique Diaz 


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